The input definitions are used for setting up input sources for logpp. Each definition starts with the input keyword and in the body of the definition, the file <filename> keyword-value pairs specify individual input sources which must be regular files, FIFOs, or standard input if <filename> is -. During its work, logpp reads lines appended to regular file sources and written to FIFO sources and standard input. It stores the lines without terminating newlines to input buffers of corresponding sources, and processes the stored lines according to flow definitions (see below).
If the input file is recreated or truncated, logpp reopens the file and continues to read it from the beginning (i.e., it does not follow files by i-node but rather by name). If an IO error occurs when reading from a file, the file will be closed, but logpp attempts to reopen it if the -r command line option was given.
Here are example input definitions:
input var-log-messages {
file /var/log/messages
input httpd-accesslogs {
file /var/log/httpd/access_log
file /var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log
input var-cron-log {
file /var/cron/log
The output definitions are used for setting up output destinations for logpp. Each definition starts with the output keyword and in the body of the definition, the file <filename>, syslog <priority>, and exec <commandline> keyword-value pairs specify individual output destinations. The file keyword tells logpp to write its output to a file, the syslog keyword to log its output to the system logger, and the exec keyword to pipe its output to an external program.
The <filename> must be a regular file or FIFO. If <filename> is a regular file, logpp writes to it in append mode; if <filename> does not exist at logpp startup, it is created as a regular file. If an IO error occurs when writing to a file, the file will be closed, but logpp attempts to reopen it if the -r command line option was given.
The <priority> is a syslog facility.level pair (e.g., mail.err) that logpp will use when logging its output to the system logger. The <commandline> is a command line that is executed as a separate process, with its standard input connected to logpp (for each output operation a new process is created).
Here are example output definitions:
output var-log-logpp {
file /var/log/logpp
output syslog-warning {
syslog daemon.warning
output syslog-crit-and-mail {
syslog auth.crit
exec /bin/mail -s "logpp message" root@localhost
The filter definitions are used for setting up input matching and conversion schemes for logpp. Each definition starts with the filter keyword and in the body of the definition, the regexp<num> <regular_expression>, nregexp<num> <regular_expression>, tvalue <truth_value>, and template <conversion_string> keyword-value pairs define the matching and conversion scheme.
The regexp<num> keyword is used for specifying a regular expression for matching <num> lines (if <num> is omitted, it defaults to 1). If <num> is 1, the last line from an input source is taken from the source's input buffer and compared with the regular expression. If <num> is greater than 1, <num> last lines from an input source are taken from its buffer, concatenated with the newline acting as separator between lines, and the result is compared with the regular expression. Thus, the -i command line option sets an upper limit for the value of <num>.
The nregexp<num> keyword is used for specifying a negative regular expression - the line(s) is (are) considered matching if the expression itself does not match the line(s). The truth value given with tvalue matches all lines if the value is true, and matches no lines if the value is false.
The template keyword defines a conversion string for the preceding regexp, nregexp, or tvalue keyword. The conversion string may contain $<num> match variables that are set by bracketing constructs inside the regular expressions. The $0 match variable is set to the line(s) that took part in the matching operation; the $~ match variable is set to the name of the input file the line(s) were read from. Note that $0 and $~ are the only variables that are set for the nregexp and tvalue keywords.
The patterns given with regexp, nregexp, and tvalue keywords are compared with the content of the input buffer in the order they are specified, and if a pattern matches, the search for further matches stops. If the matching pattern has a conversion string, its match variables are subsituted with their values and the result is written to output destinations given with flow definitions (see below). If there is no conversion string, pattern produces no output and acts as a suppression condition.
Here are example filter definitions:
filter cisco-cpu {
# messages from device are ignored
regexp 192\.168\.1\.111
# cpu hog events from other devices produce output
regexp ([0-9\.]+) [0-9]+: %SYS-3-CPUHOG
template Device $1 cpu hog
filter cisco-link {
# link down events produce output
regexp ([0-9\.]+) [0-9]+: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface (.+), changed state to down
template Device $1 link $2 down
# link up events produce output
regexp ([0-9\.]+) [0-9]+: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface (.+), changed state to up
template Device $1 link $2 up
filter httpd-php-access-192.168.0 {
# messages for other nets than 192.168.0 are ignored
nregexp ^192\.168\.0\.
# PHP script accesses from 192.168.0 produce output
regexp ^([0-9\.]+).*"GET (.+\.php) HTTP/[0-9\.]+"
template Host $1 accessed the PHP script $2
filter cron-cmd-started {
# match cron "command started" messages that span over
# two lines and convert them into single line messages
# (the regular expression is written in Perl dialect)
regexp2 ^>\s*CMD: (.+)\n>\s*(\S+)\s+(\d+)
template Cron started command $1 (user $2 pid $3)
filter {
# lines with are important in all logs
regexp 192\.168\.7\.113
template $0
The flow definitions are used for setting up processings flows for logpp. Each definition starts with the flow keyword and in the body of the definition, the input <name>, filter <name>, and output <name> keyword-value pairs define the flow's inputs, matching and conversion schemes that are applied for inputs, and outputs where the results of the matching and conversion are written. The <name> parameter for all keywords must be a name of the previously defined input, filter, or output. Note that if more than one filter has been specified, a matching pattern in one filter does not prevent line(s) from being matched by patterns in other filters.
Here are example flow definitions:
# this flow accepts lines from /var/log/messages as input;
# it writes cisco "cpu hog" messages from other hosts than
# to /var/log/logpp, and cisco "link down" and
# "link up" messages from all hosts to /var/log/logpp
flow cisco {
input var-log-messages
filter cisco-cpu
filter cisco-link
output var-log-logpp
# this flow accepts lines from httpd access logs as input;
# it generates a syslog warning-level message when a PHP
# script is accessed from the 192.168.0 network
flow php {
input httpd-accesslogs
filter httpd-php-access-192.168.0
output syslog-warning
# this flow accepts lines from cron daemon log as input;
# it writes messages about started commands to /var/log/logpp
flow cron {
input var-cron-log
filter cron-cmd-started
output var-log-logpp
# this flow accepts lines from /var/log/messages and httpd access
# logs as input; it generates a syslog crit-level message and sends
# an e-mail to the local root user if a line with the IP address
# appears in the logs
flow {
input var-log-messages
input httpd-accesslogs
output syslog-crit-and-mail
If logpp has been built with the POSIX regular expression support, the regular expressions are compiled with REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE flags (see regcomp(3) for details).
In order to prevent itself from blocking during calls to write(2), logpp opens FIFOs and pipes in non-blocking mode. If the consumer of the FIFO or pipe is not reading the data fast enough, write(2) to the FIFO or pipe will fail, and logpp will not attempt to write again.